Monday, June 10, 2013

"I Bet You She Just Does the Elliptical..."

I went to the NorCal Regionals the other weekend and it was uh-MAZE-ing. I got a chance to check out the cream of the crop elite athletes, including none other than Jason Khalipa. If you took a bear and taught him how to be more badass than a regular bear (because obviously bears are pretty legit), you'd get Jason Khalipa. In fact, I'm surprised they don't have a Jason Khalipa Complex yet.

The entire weekend was pretty crazy and all so friggin' inspiring. JK broke a few world records (nbd), Sarah Hopping put up 195lbs on her OHS for not one...not two... but THREE (who the hell does that?!), and the coolest part of it all was that the top 38 fittest women and the top 43 fittest men in the entire NorCal Region were all in one location for the open public to see and watch.

Sidebar: Did you know that Hawaii is considered part of the NorCal Region? Random.

Sidebar again: The new crossfit gym I'm at sent a gal to regionals....toats awesome btw. (Kirsten Pedri)

Anyway, some of my favorite athletes to watch were, of course, the ladies. As a female crossfitter, I'm always interested to see how the best of the best female crossfit athletes can continuously break barriers and prove so many people wrong in terms of how much weight they can lift, or how many pull-ups they can do. It's so amazing how these ladies can prove their fitness... Girls be strong too, yo!

The tricky part about being so new to the sport of crossfit (I drank the punch in November 2012) is that if you're not competing in the last heat, I probably have no clue who you are. Okay, that's a lie. I actually knew OF a few of the girls in the first heats, but my point is, I don't know who all these chicks are.

So I'm sitting there, watching these beasts of ladies do their thang, and because I don't know who they are, I find myself becoming a fan of theirs based on what their wearing OR based on how absolutely ripped they are.

"OOhhh!! Her pants are SOOO cute!....UGH, of course they're friggin' Lulu's.... "

"Daaaamn.... her ass be lookin' GOOD in dem booty shorts....Look at those LEGS!

Don't even try and tell me you haven't done the same thing. We're chicks. If we don't know your name, you're the girl with the hot pink pants, or the chick who probably should have waited a few more months before wearing that sports bra. We're harsh sometimes.

I competed in my first competition in November 2012 and was so new to the whole shebang that I wasn't even quite sure what a thruster was. I'm looking around at all of the these super fit chicks just wondering what the hell I got myself into. Of course since I'm new, I have no clue who anyone is.

I remember this one girl, who totally stood out to me because she didn't look like a typical crossfitter (or at least in comparison to what I had come to understand a crossfit girl to look like), but she KILLED every WOD that day. More importantly, she had an ass that would put J.Lo AND Kim Kardashian to shame. That thang stuck out like it was nobody's business and after that day, she became "big booty chick." She was the girl who kicked ass WITH her ass. To this day, I still see her at local competitions and still don't know her name. I don't need to.

Anyway, girls are just weird. We make judgements, get catty with each other, passively aggress towards one another.... But at the end of the day, the great thing about Crossfit is that you prove yourself when it's time to work. You could be the fittest looking, most stylish mother effer in the box, but if you tap out after 1 round when you have 4 more left, you're nothing compared to the other chick who's continuing to work regardless of what she looks like, or how fast or slow she's going. The fact that she's going at all is what makes any individual a badass. RESPECT.

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